MY FIRST SCHOOL DAY - April 2, 1952

MY VERY FIRST SCHOOL DAY -  April 2, 1952:

Today ( April 2, 2021 )

 it is exactly 69 – sixtynine – years ago, since I started going to school. This is a long time ago. It was in 1952. But I still remember it, as if it were yesterday. Can you understand that ?

It was a wonderful, sunny morning.  I had for such a long time been looking forward to going to school.  Ok, I could already read and I could also write reasonably.  But I wanted to learn much more. And quickly!

I knew that we were 4 kids in our village, who should start that day. Two girls and two boys. I knew the other three well. Remember, we lived in a small country village, where everybody knew everybody.

The first school day was always sort of a party to us.  Our parents came along to the school on that first day. And we all had put our nicest clothes on, of course.

Our farm was about 1 ½ km from the school.  We walked there, my parents and I.  On the way I could see that the three others were in front of us together with their parents. You know what ?  I started running. And running really fast. My parents could not keep up with me.  And actually, I managed to pass all the three others, so I was the very first who arrived at the school. That was what I wanted.  No time to  waste!

In the school our teacher and his wife were waiting for us. With cake and soft drinks 😊  The others arrived one after the other. Also my parents.  And there we were. We were now school kids!   I did not know by then that I would be going to school, incl. university, now for almost 19 years !

This all started today – 69 years ago  !!

Here you can see pictures of my first school.  And of my first class, which had pupils in the age group 7 to 10 years old.  Can you find me on the picture !!


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