Turkey’s president Recep Erdogan seems to be on a provocative journey once again. Recently he made an old Greek church and UNESCO site in Istanbul into a mosque – though the whole world was protesting. And now he is started drilling in areas of the Mediterranean and the Aegean Sea, which according to international law do not belong to Turkey.  It is probably part of an old well-known strategy: If you have problems at home (which he has), then make problems abroad ( to attract attention to that ).  And it is also part of his long term strategy to “make Turkey big as it was during the Ottoman Empire. Another aspect of that is that he has built a presidential palace in Ankara, THE WHITE PALACE, which is bigger than The White House, the Kremlin and Versailles. See photo.

Now, the provocative drilling in waters belonging to Greece and Cyprus have fortunately immediately given strong reactions from major powers – and allies of Turkey, Greece and Cyprus – in the world:

THE EU made this statement – by high representative Josep Borrell:

We stress that the Turkish unilateral actions, in particular in the Eastern Mediterranean, which run counter to EU interest, to the sovereign rights of EU member states and to international law, must come to an end,"

The EU foreign ministers decided on July 13 to do all they can to reduce tensions in the area.  But if Turkey continues its provocations the EU will introduces sanctions against the country.


The GERMAN EU PRESIDENCY – foreign minister Heinz Maas:

We need a dialogue with Turkey, but we have also made it clear that where Turkey particularly affects the interests of European Union member states, for example with regard to drilling in the Eastern Mediterranean, we have clear expectations that there are positive signals from Turkey," said German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, whose country currently holds the presidency of the Council of the EU.

Later in the day, Maas told the European Parliament's foreign affairs committee, "I think we have now a short time window up until September and by then at the latest we need understandings on the Eastern Mediterranean, on maritime law issues concerning Greece but also Libya, in order to continue this dialogue with Turkey. Turkey wants to speak about issues such as customs union, visa liberalization — things for which I currently don’t see a basis to make progress with Turkey.”


We urge Turkey to refrain from any drilling plans in the Eastern Mediterranean that will raise tensions in the region.

If you want to read more you may use these two English language newspapers:

 GREECE:      KATHIMERINI    -    www.ekathimerini.com                                                                     


TURKEY:     HURRIYET DAILY NEWS    -   www.hurriyetdailynews.com 


Photo of the WHITE PALACE in Ankara:



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