I believe that we are all thinking about the US today.  For very good reasons 😊 – and also for very bad reasons .

The very important news is that president-elect Joe Biden is now finally and definitively confirmed this morning as the next US president as of Wednesday, January 20.  This was confirmed by an overwhelming majority in Congress.  The other positive news is that the Democrats won both elections in Georgia ( against the two sitting Republicans ) – which means that the Democrats now have the majority in the Senate too.   This makes it easier for president Biden to get his programmes and appointments approved. And it also sends a clear message to the Republicans that they now pay for their incredible and unconditional support to President Trump during the last four years. They now have to rebuild their party almost from scratch.

The negative news was of course the mortal, unconstitutional and destructive insurrection – initiated by Trump – against Congress last night.  Incredible scenes.  As president-elect Biden said in his TV speech during the revolt:  Our democracy is right now under severe threat.  It shows how fragile it is.

What will now happen next ?  Trump is still president for 13 days. He is still able to do a lot of harm.  Psychiatrists think he suffers from the mental illness called Borderline. This means he can no longer cope with the situation.   So, what are the possibilities to avoid further disasters ?

1)    The lady mayor of Washington DC has declared a state of emergency until January 21 – which gives the authorities extra power to react

2)    Some of the remaining staff in the White House are said to try to do all they can to prevent Trump from doing more harm ( like when they earlier prevented him from starting a war against Iran )

3)    Trump may decide to leave the post before January 20 – probably on the condition that president Mike Pence will give him a pardon.  This will prevent any impeachment or other legal lawsuits against him in the future for actions during his presidency at federal level.  A pardon will not stop possible lawsuits on state level, f.ex. on fraud, tax evasion or harassments.  Several cases are waiting for him in New York and in other states.

4)    Vice-president Pence might decide to use the Constitution’s article 25, which gives him the power to unseat the president, if he – supported by at least half of the cabinet members – thinks that he is mentally unfit to continue as president.

Whatever happens we are in for a critical time – before January and also after.  Please, listen to president-elect on TV last night on what is at stake:

See below:  Photo of president-elect JOE BIDEN:


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